We don't really taking care of our eyes which is very important part of our body as all of us known already, but very simply we can take care of it. Come on let's grad some really hot tips for your eyes;
Wear your water-resistance glass while swimming. This type of glasses protect your eyes, because swimming pool water generally mixed with Clorin which is truly dangerous for your valuable eyes.
Taking excess salt dangerous for our body especially it’s very dangerous for them who having high pressure. Salt must taken as needed otherwise it would cause lowering your eyes power.
Regular exercise and walking will decrease your eyes’ Intracullar pressure which would protect glaucoma. Recently found an interesting result in a laboratory indicating those people who normally walking 40 minutes in a week reducing taking help from their medicine for their eyes.
Give rest your eyes;
Those who reading or watching TV or working on PC must give rest their eyes 30 seconds after each 30 minutes of working or watching otherwise your eyes gonna loose their catching power and that will affect when you crossed 40 yrs of your life, so take care of them if you love them n need them.
Fishes giving you huge Omega-3 fat acid so you may realize how positive effect it would bring for your eyes also its proven that, fish protecting us from Dry-I-Syndrome. So as it’s our duty to keep our eyes safe and healthy we should take them at least two days in a week if it’s not possible taking every day, but if you take every day I must say you loving your eyes as it’s one of the vital part of human body.
Hope you gonna enjoy these tips keeping your incredible part of human being safe n healthy, coz you love your life.